Congratulations to Richard Lakes for his recent publication:
Lakes, R.D., McLennan, P., Sauer, J., & Smith, M.A. (2011). Exposing the Myths of the Corporate City: Popular Education and Political Activism in Atlanta. In R. Ahlquist, P.C. Gorski, and T. Montano (Eds.). Assault on Kids: How hyper-accountability, corporatization, deficit ideologies, and Ruby Payne are destroying our schools, pp. 91-110. New York: Peter Lang.
In this chapter, Lakes and other authors describe how economic and political influences surrounding corporatization create inequalities in the Atlanta public school system. The authors focus on how hyper-accountability, privatization, and charter schools are widening the gap between quality education, race, and class. The chapter introduces groups such as MAPS (Metro Atlantans for Public Schools) who fight for equality and ensure that the educational needs of everyone in the community are met. The chapter concludes with ideas about what individuals can do to make a difference in the public school system.
Read this chapter and more on similar topics in the book , Assault on Kids: How Hyper-Accountability, Corporatization, Deficit Ideologies, and Ruby Payne are Destroying our Schools located on Library North 4: LC191.4 .A765 2011.
A few other works by Richard Lakes available in the library: