Love Data Week 2023 — February 13-17 — is here!
February 13-17, 2023, marks the annual international celebration of Love Data Week! It’s a week to recognize that DATA is FUN. DATA is COOL. DATA is POWER. DATA is LOVE. xoxox <3 😀 <3 xoxox

CELEBRATE LOVE DATA WEEK with GSU Library’s Research Data Services (RDS) Department — check out the LOVELY things we’ve planned!
Come to the Love Data Week table at the top of the stairs of the Library North entrance for…
Grab love-themed data stickers and write data-pun messages on valentines — for yourself or for those you LOVE.

Each day, we’ll have one data viz chart, and you are challenged to come up with a caption for it — do it on Twitter or Instagram [@GetDataReady or @LoveDataWeek] tagged with #CaptionTheChart or in-person at our Love Data Week table. Four days of charts are below, so start conjuring up your captions now!

MAP a place you LOVE on the digital display!

Add a data point on our digital display map — where you were born, where you live now, your fave coffee place, or wherever! If YOU love it, then WE love it…especially when LOVE becomes DATA. 😉
PS — the mapped data point will be anonymized, because we LOVE keeping your personal data SAFE! 🙂
LOVE on our DATA Workshops & Micro-Credential Badges + MORE!
Did you know that the GSU Library offers DATA SKILLS workshops — live in-person and online workshops and also recorded workshops? And, if you attend the workshops, you can earn digital micro-credential BADGES to share on LinkedIn, text and email, or on your résumé to show off your data skills? And that the Library gives you free access to other great data-related resources like O’Reilly ebooks for data tools training and SAGE Research Methods (SRM)? Learn more about all this stuff at our Love Data Week table!

(DATA + CODING) * CAREERs = DATA LOVE to the Nth Power!

Learn about the GSU chapters of the National Student Data Corps and Girls Who Code and register for their joint data event, “A Conversation with Tech Pioneer Anne Clark” who will discuss her trailblazing career and how her lab uses data analysis to make aviation safer for the Air National Guard — 11am Friday, Feb. 17th in Classroom 1 in Library North building, REGISTER HERE.
Twitter + Instagram = DATA LOVE on the Interwebs!
Look for GSU Library’s posts @GetDataReady and posts @LoveDataWeek — if you post, tag with #lovedata23