University Library News
Georgia State University

Announcing Textbook Transformation Grants Round Thirteen, Due Jan. 14, 2019

Affordable Learning Georgia is issuing a new Request for Proposals for Textbook Transformation Grants with applications due by January 14, 2019. Projects have a maximum Final Semester of Spring 2019. Affordable Learning Georgia’s Textbook Transformation Grants are intended to:

  • Explore and expand new and affordable approaches to textbook transformation, including the adoption, adaptation and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER), the adoption of materials available through GALILEO and USG libraries, and the use of other no-cost and low-cost digital materials.
  • Provide support and time to faculty, librarians, instructional designers, and their institutions to implement these approaches.
  • Lower the cost of college for students and contribute to their retention, progression, and graduation.

To apply:

  1. Read the Request for Proposals Document.
  2. Read the Rubric for Peer Review.
  3. Fill out the Word version of the Application Form and keep this form for your records.
  4. Fill out the Online Application Form.

Webinar Archive for Round Thirteen
View Request for Proposals

For more information, contact Denise Dimsdale, Affordable Learning Georgia Library Coordinator, at the GSU Library. The GSU Library is happy to assist instructors with locating open resources, publishing open content, and locating course content and library resources that provide affordable options for students and pedagogical opportunities for instructors.