Lower the cost of textbooks for your students through an Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) Textbook Transformation Grant

The GSU Library and The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning are collaborating with GALILEO’s Affordable Learning Georgia to offer grants for teaching faculty who would like to reduce textbooks costs for their students by adopting, adapting, or creating textbooks or other course materials with an open license or by replacing textbooks with library subscribed content. Textbook costs for students can be significant, and students report that this cost barrier often has a negative impact on their success. A growing body of research reflects these perspectives and two examples can be seen here and here. ALG’s Textbook Transformation Grants provide the opportunity for teaching faculty to adopt or develop high quality free or low cost course materials and to incorporate innovative pedagogies into their courses. Grant awards range from $2000-$30,000. Applications for Round 10, which is our current round of grants, are due September 29, 2017. Apply here.
For more information, contact Denise Dimsdale, ALG Library Coordinator or Laura Carruth, ALG Campus Champion. More info is also available at the Request for Proposal or at this informational webinar:
- Tuesday, September 5, 2017: Register For September Webinar