Presentation: Work and the American Moral Imagination, 1945-1996

Join us for a presentation by Joel Suarez, winner of the 2016 Reed Fink Award in Southern Labor History
When: Tuesday, February 7, 12:30-1:30
Where: University Library South, 8th floor Colloquium Room
About the Speaker
Joel Suarez is a Ph.D candidate at the Princeton University Department of History. His area of study is the twentieth-century United States, with a focus on cultural, intellectual, and social history. His dissertation, “Work and the American Moral Imagination,” examines the values ascribed to work in the wake of its transformation in the latter half of the twentieth century. With an emphasis on social critics, novelists, the poor, and the working class, Suarez explores how contending visions of the good life were challenged and reconstituted amid changes wrought by deindustrialization and the ascent of low-wage service sector work.
About the Reed Fink Award in Southern Labor History
Established in 2000, the Reed Fink Award in Southern Labor History provides one or more fellowship(s) to individual(s) whose research in the Southern Labor Archives will lead to a book, article, dissertation, or other substantive product. The award honors Professors Merl E. Reed and Gary Fink, who were instrumental in the establishment, development, and use of the Southern Labor Archives at Georgia State University from the early 1970s. Today, the Southern Labor Archives has over 500 collections used by researchers from throughout the Southeast, the United States, and the world.
Classes welcome (with advance notice)
If you are interested in bringing your students to this event or are offering extra credit for their attendance, please contact Traci Drummond (404-413-2886 |