Book your travel

There’s still some time to get in your summer travel adventures. However, if you’d rather explore the world or your imagination through a book, the GSU library has you covered. Here’s just a few of our more recent books that include stories of travel:
Silver: Return to Treasure Island by Andrew Motion–Library North 4: PR6063.O842 S55 2012b
Traveler of the Century by Andrés Neuman, Nick Caistor and Lorenza Garcia–Library North 4: PQ6664.E478 V5213 2012
The Lower River by Paul Theroux–Library North 3: PS3570.H4 L69 2012
This Flawless Place Between by Bruno Portier and Greg Norminton–Library North 4: PQ2716.O78 B2713 2012
The Time Ship: A Chrononautical Journey by Enrique Gaspar, Yolanda Molina-Gavilán and Andrea L. Bell–Library North 4: PQ6613.A87 A6313 2012
The Juliet Stories by Carrie Snyder–Library North 4: PR9199.3.S56455 J84 2012
The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter–Library North 4: PR6066.R34 L66 2012
Frozen Dreams: Based On a True Story by Wahei Tatematsu and Philip Gabriel–Library North 4: PL862.A77 H5313 2012
The Turkish Embassy Letters by Lady Mary Wortley Montaguu, Teresa Heffernan, and Daniel O’Quinn–Library North 5: DA501.M7 A4 2013
Appalachian Travels: The Diary of Olive Dame Campbell by Olive D Campbell and Elizabeth McCutchen Williams–Library North 5: F217.A65 C36 2012