May is Mental Health Awareness Month

As the school-year comes to an end, finals wind-up, and summer approaches, it seems appropriate that May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Time to shake off some stress and learn more about mental health issues that may be affecting friends, family, or ourselves.
The American Psychological Association is concentrating on mental health in children:
- May 7: A congressional briefing will feature Dr. Anthony P. Mannarino, Director of the Center for Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents, to report on public health systems available for children in need of mental health care/services. The APA will use Twitter to report on the event. Follow #HeroesofHope on May 7.
- May 15: Dr. Nadine Kaslow of Emory University, and President-Elect of APA, will host a webcast on suicide prevention in youth.
Georgia State University
- GSU students can take advantage of the wealth of resources and services offered through Student Health & Wellness.
- Faculty, staff, and students can look into GSU’s Worksite Wellness Programs.
Georgia State University Library offers mental health resources on a variety of issues and age groups:
- The Crisis in Youth Mental Health: Critical Issues and Effective Programs
- Changing Adolescence: Social Trends and Mental Health
- Young Adult Mental Health
- Depressed Older Adults: Education and Screening
- Aging and Mental Health
- Public Mental Health
- Sourcebook of Interactive Practice Exercises in Mental Health
- A Public Health Perspective of Women’s Mental Health
- Promoting Men’s Mental Health