“Graffiti in Knit” commentary by GSU Student
Check out the commentary and photos on Social Shutter by Chandra D. Ward, a Doctoral student in Sociology at Georgia State University.
- Explore more scholarly analyses of knitting as being “reclaimed” by women and men, as challenging and/or reinforcing traditional gender norms in these Georgia State University Library resources:
- Chansky, R. A. (2010). A stitch in time: Third-Wave Feminist reclamation of needled imagery. Journal of Popular Culture, 43(4), 681-700.
- Groeneveld, E. (2010). “Join the knitting revolution”: Third-Wave Feminist magazines and the politics of domesticity. Canadian Review of American Studies, 40(2), 259-277.
- Hosegood, B. (2009). Whip your hobby into shape: Knitting, feminism and construction of gender. Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture, 7(2), 148-163.
- McFadden, D. R., Scanlan, J., Edwards, J. S., & Museum of Arts and Design (New York, N. (2008). Radical lace & subversive knitting. Woodbridge : NY: ACC Editions.
Social Shutter (edited by GSU sociology professor Deirdre Oakley, and GSU sociology graduate students Angie Luvara and Chandra Ward) is an online “weekly venue for photo essays and single photos with extended captions about everyday social life.” Submissions welcome!