Books authored by Middle-Secondary Education and Instructional Technology faculty
The library has recently received these titles authored by MSIT faculty:
Dr. Wanjira Kinuthia co-wrote Cases ‘n’ places: Global cases in education and performance technology which is part of the Educational design and technology in the knowledge society series.
Dr. Tisha Y. Lewis wrote a vignette titled “The motherboard stories” for K. Pahl & J. Rowsell’s Artifactual literacies: Every object tells a story. The vignette is based on Lewis’ dissertation on the digital literacy practices of an African American family.
Dr. Michelle Zoss contributed a chapter, “Keeping ideas and language in play: Teaching drawing writing, and aesthetics in a secondary literacy class” to C.M. Connery, V.P. John-Steiner & A. Marjanovic-Shane’s book titled Vygotsky and creativity: A cultural-historical approach to play,
meaning-making, and the arts . She also contributed “Seeing, writing, and drawing the intangible: Teaching with multiple literacies” to the book co-edited by Dr. Peggy Albers titled Literacies, the arts, and multimodality .