ARTstor Travel Awards 2010

As a subscriber to ARTstor, Georgia State graduate students and faculty are eligible to apply for one of five ARTstor Travel Awards. Each research travel award is $1,500 and must be used by September 1, 2011. The intent of the awards is to help support the educational and scholarly activities of scholars in any field in the arts, architecture, humanities and social sciences.
To be considered for a research travel award, applicants must create and submit an ARTstor image group (or a series of image groups) and a single accompanying essay that creatively and compellingly demonstrates why the image group(s) is useful for teaching, research, or scholarship. The five winning submissions will be determined by ARTstor staff.
Application deadline: April 1, 2010
Winners announced: May 1, 2010
Awards will be made by: June 1, 2010