University Library News
Georgia State University

Tutoring Repeat Students: Writing Studio Session, Wednesday, November 14th

Tutoring Repeat Students, Stephanie Little– Wednesday, November 14th,12pm Troy Moore Library, 9th Floor General Classroom Building

Are you a tutor who sees a lot of repeat students?  Does it feel like you work on the same things over and over again?  Do you want to explore how to adjust the “one-time” tutor model to fit an ongoing tutor/student partnership? Or are you a long-time tutor with some experience in repeat students that you’d like to share?  Join us for a roundtable discussion to vet out the good, the bad, and the constructive potential of repeat tutor sessions. Some helpful library resources on this topic include the following: What the writing tutor needs to know; The St. Martin’s sourcebook for writing tutors; and Working with student writers.

Stephanie Little has a B.A. in Creative Writing from Florida State University. She completed her M.A. in English from the University of North Florida and is currently a PhD student in Literary Studies at Georgia State University. Her research interests include Southern Literature, feminist theory, and religion/spirituality.