Inside View of the Final Space Shuttle Launch
Check out the commentary and wonderful launch photos on Social Shutter on the final Space Shuttle launch by Adrienne Miller, a recent graduate in Sociology at Georgia State University.
photo by Adrienne Miller - Explore more about the “Space Race” and NASA Space Shuttle Program in these Georgia State University Library resources:
- Logsdon, J. M. (2010). John F. Kennedy and the race to the moon. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Explores the Kennedy Administration’s role in shaping the U.S. space program.
- Brzezinski, M. (2007). Red moon rising: Sputnik and the hidden rivalries that ignited the Space Age. New York: Times Books. Explores the sociopolitical issues surrounding the genesis of the “Space Race.”
- Weitekamp, M. A. (2004). Right stuff, wrong sex: America’s first women in space program. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. Explores the gender discrimination pervading the early NASA program.
- National Research Council (U.S.). Space Studies Board. (2010). Controlling cost growth of NASA Earth and space science missions. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Report examining cost issues surrounding space missions – the primary attributed rationale for ending the Space Shuttle Program.
- Works exploring the Space Shuttle Challenger (1986) and Space Shuttle Columbia (2003) accidents.
- Over 500 online, print, and microfiche Government Documents documenting the technologies, triumphs, and tragedies of the Space Shuttle program.
Social Shutter (edited by GSU sociology professor Deirdre Oakley, and GSU sociology graduate students Chandra Ward and Angie Luvara) is an online “weekly venue for photo essays and single photos with extended captions about everyday social life.” Submissions welcome!