University Library News

Georgia State University Library

Darwin's Impact

charles_darwin_l1Georgia State University is hosting a lecture series celebrating Charles Darwin’s 200 year anniversary. Sponsored by the GSU Center for Collaborative Scholarship in the Humanities, the lecture series features scholars from various disciplines and institutions.

To support this event, the Georgia State University Library has created an online research guide on Darwin. This guide features Darwin related books in our collection, a video about how molecular biology provides profound evidence in support of Darwin’s evolutionary theory, as well as useful links to researching Darwin. It also features a calendar of events listing the lectures on campus, as well as links to various other calendars of Darwin anniversary events around the globe.

The next lecture in the Darwin’s Impact series will be by Sean Carroll, professor of Molecular Biology & Genetics from the University of Wisconsin. Professor Carroll speaks at 4:00 pm on October 26, 2009 in the Speakers Auditorium at the Student Center.