University Library News

Georgia State University Library

Selected List of New Criminal Justice Books, March 31, 2009

This is a selected list of new Criminal Justice books in University Library which are housed on the 1st floor of Library North for 1 month and then moved to its permanent location. Check GIL for current availability. For a full list of all new titles searchable by call number and more, go to the University Library New Titles List link in the Blogroll section on the lower right of this page.

Regulating deviance: The redirection of criminalisation and the futures of criminal law  HV6025 .R513 2009
Women street hustlers: Who they are and how they survive  HV6046 .R55 2008
Development of persistent criminality  HV6049 .D48 2009
Terrorscape: Geography of urban terror risk  HV6431 .E393 2009
Suicide and self-harm in prisons and jails  HV6545.6 .T37 2009
Sanctioning bias crime: A public perspective  HV6773.53.P4 P43 2008