University Library News

Georgia State University Library

New Research Guide Launch!

Recently the library acquired a license from Springshare for a web 2.0 product called LibGuides, which is a research guide creation website for librarians. I am happy to announce that the guides I have created for each department with which I work are now available and replace the previous research guides on the library website.

The new guides feature improved visual appeal and user-friendly access to University Library resources. Another change from the previous guides: dual subjects (i.e. Educational Psychology & Special Education)are now split into 2 guides for better organization and easy access.

The guides are accessible via the Start Your Research link on the library homepage as before, with options to search by subject or guide author. Each guide is also linked in the Blogroll section in this blog on the lower right of the page.

Please feel free to distribute this information to students and/or add a guide URL to your syllabus, and let me know what you think! The guides will be regularly updated with new resources and information.