[caption id="attachment_51800" align="alignleft" width="170"] Bill Usery (ca. 2000)[/caption] W. J. “Bill” Usery, Jr., is best remembered as one of the sharpest and most effective labor…
[caption id="attachment_51262" align="alignleft" width="195"] Dr. Merl E. Reed in the archives, ca. 1972[/caption] Historian Dr. Merl Elwyn Reed was a key founder of the Southern…
[caption id="attachment_51177" align="alignleft" width="300"] A Constellation named Ponce de Leon is christened with a bottle of Coca-Cola at Hartsfield, 1951.[/caption] The Southern Labor Archives announces the Eastern…
The Southern Labor Archives has been busy processing collections over the last few years and thanks to our dedicated interns and graduate assistants, we've accomplished…